Q&A: Entrepreneurs Maximize Their Potential

Recently I shared my perspectives with the folks from the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute.

“For Watson, education is all about connection: connecting professors to students, students to material, and material to the real world. Young people are poised to take on an ever-changing world, and Watson believes that strategic navigation of problems, and a problem-finding approach, can help them tackle big issues.”

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Developing new curriculum during COVID-19

Over the summer, I took on a new role as Managing Director of the Goff Strategic Leadership Center. As a part of that role, I am involved in much more curriculum development, including the development of a new class that I started in Fall 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Like many teachers and professors, there was much to learn in developing a new online course in the “IVC” or synchronous format. Here’s my story - hope it brings you a bit of humor and perhaps some tips as well. If not, it certainly comes with a generous amount of empathy.

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